



  • v.

    发射( launch的过去式和过去分词 );[计算机]开始(应用程序);发动;开展(活动、计划等)

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 使…下水 set (a ship, especially one newly built) afloat
    2. vt. 发动;发出;发射 set in motion; send; aim
    1. [U]发射;(船)下水;(新产品)投产 process of putting into motion a ship, spacecraft or new product



    • n.
      • a motorboat with an open deck or a half deck
      • the act of propelling with force


    • v.
      • set up or found

        同义词:establishset upfound

      • propel with force

        "launch the space shuttle"

      • launch for the first time; launch on a maiden voyage

        "launch a ship"

      • begin with vigor

        "He launched into a long diatribe"


      • get going; give impetus to

        "launch a career"

        同义词:set in motion

      • smoothen the surface of

        "launch plaster"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • launch auspiciously吉利地开始
    • launch ceremoniously隆重地出航
    • launch formally形式上地开办
    • launch politically政治上地发动
    • launch successfully成功地发射
    • launch forth出航,出海
    • launch off开始,产生,挥霍,大讲
    • launch out下水,开始
    • launch against殴打某人
    • launch at威胁某人
    • launch for向…出航
    • launch from从…驶下水
    • launch into发射到
    • launch on向…猛击
    • launch with以(…方式)推出


    launch vehicle运载火箭

    product launch产品发布

    launch pad n. 发射台

    launch site发射场;发射区;活力地带(MSN的功能区之一)

    launch date下水日期;发行日期;上市日期

    launch on开始;着手

    launch into进入,投入

    launch out出航;开始新的事情

    quick launch快速启动

    launch a satellite发射卫星



    1. We were going to launch a counterattack.
    2. The company researched the market demand and decided to launch their new product.
    3. The people all over the country exulted in the success in launching a new satellite.
    4. The oil tanker was launched last year.
    1. The launch was delayed by a technical hitch .
    2. We have got good media coverage for the launch of the new model.


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